Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

a mysterious letter

once upon a time there was a little girl who's wishing beside the fountain in her garden.....

she's asking for 3 wishes to the fairies in the fountain.....
first,she's wishing for her parent's happiness
second,she's wishing for her sibling's happiness
last,she's wishing for her happines

Three days after her wishes......

her parents got a free honeymoon trip to Hawaii

her brother got an award for the best student and her twin sisters are getting married at the same time

but, she just got a letter....it was covered by a pink envelope....she's wondering what is it inside the envelope.......she opened it and suprised.....

she felt her heart beating so fast after read the letter.....there are 3 words written on it

"I LOVE YOU".......

simple huh???

-Lynn 01/07/2010-

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